How to Turn Off Breville Descale Light

If your Breville Descale light is on, you need to turn it off soon! This light means that the machine needs to be descaled, and if left on, it can cause severe damage. This article will show you how to turn off Breville Descale light quickly and easily. Keep reading for more information.

Summary: The Breville descale light is an indicator that informs you when it’s time to descale your coffee machine, ensuring optimal performance and prolonging the life of the appliance. Descaling removes mineral buildup from the water reservoir and internal components, which can affect the taste of your coffee and the overall functionality of the machine. After descaling the machine, it’s important to reset the descale light to continue monitoring the need for future descaling.

To turn off the Breville descale light, start by descaling the coffee machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions provided in the user manual. This process typically involves filling the water reservoir with a descaling solution and running a specific descaling cycle. Once the descaling process is complete, you will need to reset the descale light to acknowledge that the machine has been descaled.

The reset process may vary depending on the specific Breville model, so consult the user manual for accurate guidance. Generally, resetting the descale light involves pressing and holding a specific button or a combination of buttons on the machine’s control panel for a few seconds, until the light turns off or stops flashing. By properly descaling your Breville coffee machine and resetting the descale light, you can ensure consistent coffee quality and maintain the machine’s optimal performance.

How to Turn Off Breville Descale Light

Breville descale lights are a helpful feature for ensuring your machine is clean and ready to use. There’s a sensor in the water tank of your Breville espresso machine that measures how much scale build-up there is. If you don’t describe your Breville often, this light will start to blink on and off after a few months of usage, telling you that it’s time!

Things You’ll Need

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • Cold tap water
  • White towel or microfiber cloth
  • Bowl or measuring cup large enough to accommodate your water
  • Kitchen timer (or cellphone with a stopwatch)
  • Ejector portafilter holder for fingers
  • Latex gloves
  • Tongs or jar-opener for removing the portafilter
  • A spoon or butter knife for cleaning the valve and hole of your portafilter’s spouts
  • Cleaning brush with stiff bristles to dislodge coffee stuck in crevices
  • Clean cloth for wiping clean after cleaning the machine inside out
  • Paper towels for mopping spills

A Step by Step Guide on How to Turn Off Breville Descale Light

Step 1: Prepare the Equipment

To prevent the development of any skin irritation, wash your hands with soap and warm water. To protect your hands from getting burned by hot water or touching anything dirty, put on latex gloves. To keep the area around the sink clean, pull down the drip tray and put it in a safe place.

Step 2: Prepare the Descaler Ingredients

Mix the vinegar and cold water in a bowl or measuring cup large enough to hold the desired amount of mixture in milliliters (mL). The amount of mixture you make will depend on how many gallons (or liters) are in your reservoir tank, as each gallon (L) is equal to 1000 mL. For example, if your tank is 6 gallons (L), then 6 x 1000 mL = 6,000 mL, or 6 L, of water.

Step 3: Descale the Machine

Pour the vinegar mixture into the reservoir tank. Next, pour in cold tap water until it covers about 1/2 – 2/3 of the detachable plastic tube inside (which you will later see is called a “basket”). Next, put your ejector portafilter holder for fingers and pour 250 ml (about 8 ounces) on ground coffee into the portafilter basket.

To clean your coffee machine, first remove any coffee odors by running water through it. Then apply descaler ingredients to it. This amount is less than half of an espresso shot’s volume, so if anything remains after running through some water, it would be a tiny amount.

Step 4: Turn the Machine on

To make espresso, you need to turn on your machine and let water flow through it. You will see the level inside the tank drop by half, which is good. Then, you need to add another 500 mL (or 2 cups) of water to let this freshwater flow throughout all parts of your machine.

This is why you made 6 L of the solution instead of 5 L – just in case you need more for a thorough cleaning. Let the pump speed run until water stops coming out or until the reservoir tank fills up again to the top of where the plastic tube is located inside. About 3-5 minutes, depending on how clean your machine was before.

Step 5: Run Cleaning Water through Machine

To clean your coffee machine, add 500 ml of the vinegar-water mixture to the reservoir tank while the pump is running. Then, let it run again until water stops flowing out or all 6L has been used up. How long this will take depends on how dirty your machine was before, so watching a movie or something else while you wait may be suitable.

If you can smell an acidic clean odor coming from your kitchen machine during this time, it’s probably fine – but don’t let it run for too long, as this could corrode any crucial parts inside your espresso maker.

Step 6: Turn off Machine and Wait for 30 Minutes

Please turn off your Breville espresso machine and wait 30 minutes for the solution to work its way through your device. Depending on how dirty your espresso maker was, you may need to leave it off for a few hours or even overnight. With adamant stains like limescale, leaving the Breville turned off for a longer period of time may be necessary.

Step 7: Repeat Steps 4 and 5 Again

Turn on your Breville espresso machine and let the water run through it until all vinegar-water mixtures have come out again – just like in Step 4. Depending on how dirty your machine is, this may take a while – so if you left it running more extended than half an hour in Step 6, add another 500 ml (or 2 cups) of water with cold tap water before rerunning it.

How many times you repeat these steps depends on which type of descaler you have but usually once or twice is more than enough after a thorough 30-minute wait between each time you run water through your machine.

Step 8: Clean the Drip Tray and Drip Tray Cover while Machine is Off

Remove the drip tray from underneath your Breville espresso maker while the pump is still off and clean it with warm water and mild dish soap – making sure not to get any of this soap mixture into the part where cold tap water enters since that could make any remaining vinegar smell linger. Dry the drip tray thoroughly by hand or set it somewhere away from direct sunlight until it has completely dried (at least 15 minutes).

Remove the Drip Tray

The Drip Tray Cover is much easier to clean since it doesn’t contain as many nooks and crannies as the drip tray. Use a damp piece of cloth or paper towel that is not wet enough to cause water to drip from it when touched. You can also use a toothbrush but make sure it’s dry before doing so – because you don’t want any liquid to feel your portafilter steel basket after cleaning your machine.

Step 9: Finish by Using Water only.

No Ground Coffee or Pods How hot depends on how much daily water usage your Breville espresso maker requires. Usually, at least once with clean cold tap water without any ground coffee inside the portafilter holder will suffice unless you live in an area with hard water. How long depends on how dirty your machine was before and how often you use it daily.

For example, if you don’t drink coffee or espresso every day, then once a month would probably be enough to keep your Breville working like the day you got it – but if you’re like me and love drinking coffee/espresso every morning and sometimes even right before bed then at least once a week is much more ideal (if not daily).

Step 10: Enjoy Fresh Espresso!

Suppose all went well following Steps 1-9 above, then congratulations – your espresso maker should now be freshly cleaned so you can start using it for its intended purposes without any problem. Of course, how long this will last depends on how often you use your Breville espresso machine, but I must stress that if you aren’t going to be using it every day, then the descaling process should be done at least once a month.

How hot depends on how much daily water usage your Breville espresso maker requires but usually at least once with just clean cold tap water without any ground coffee inside the portafilter holder will suffice unless you live in an area with hard water. How long depends on how dirty your machine was before and how often you use it daily.

Espresso Maker Should Now Be Freshly Cleaned

For example, if you don’t drink coffee or espresso every day, then once a month would probably be enough to keep your Breville working like the day you got it – but if you’re like me and love drinking coffee/espresso every morning and sometimes even right before bed then at least once a week is much more ideal (if not daily).

After following each of the steps on how to turn off breville descale light above your fresh cup of coffee or espresso is just a few button presses away, thanks to your newly-cleaned machine! How many times you repeat these steps depends on which type of descaler you have but usually once or twice is more than enough after a thorough 30-minute wait between each time you run water through your machine.

How To Reset Breville Descale?

Descaling your Breville coffee maker is easy, so you can get back to enjoying your morning cuppa in no time.

Here’s how to descale your Breville coffee maker:

  1. Start by filling the machine’s water tank with four cups of white vinegar and four cups of cold water.
  2. Put a filter into the brew basket and place an empty container on the drip tray.
  3. Select a cycle or press the BREW button to start it up, then let it run for 30 minutes until all of the liquid has gone through.
  4. Discard any remaining liquid and remove the filter paper from the brew basket. Rinse out the brew basket before replacing it onto the coffee maker.
  5. Refill the water reservoir with cold water, ensuring that there is enough for 8 cups. Without adding any other ingredients, press BREW again and allow to complete its cycle until all 8 cups have brewed in order to rinse out any remaining vinegar residue from inside your machine’s pipes.
  6. Your Breville coffee maker should now be descaled and ready for use again!

How Do You Reset A Descale Breville Dual Boiler?

Resetting the descale on your Breville dual boiler will help restore its performance and prolong its life. Here is a step-by-step guide to resetting the descale on your Breville dual boiler:

  1. Start by pressing the power button, then press the ‘Descale’ button. The light should start blinking, and you should hear a beeping sound.
  2. Fill the tank with 1 litre of fresh cold water, then slowly pour 250ml of white vinegar into the centre of the tank where it won’t spill out.
  3. Close the lid and leave for about 15 minutes, allowing the vinegar to dissolve any built-up scale that’s accumulated inside your machine since it was last descaled.
  4. After 15 minutes, press the power button again to drain out as much of the vinegar/water solution into a sink or container and press ‘descale’ to turn off this cycle
  5. Fill up the tank with plain cold water again, then press ‘power’ once more to rinse and clear away any remaining residue from inside your machine’s parts and components
  6. Lastly, press ‘power’ one more time to shut down your machine after all rinsing is done – the descaling is now complete!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Do You Do When Breville Says Clean Me?

When Breville says to clean the machine, it means that the cleaning solution in the machine has run out and needs to be replaced. The solution is non-toxic and easy to use. To clean the machine, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the front cover by pressing down on the button on the front of the machine.
  2. Lift up the translucent cleaning panel at the top of the machine and pour in enough solution to cover all of the parts.
  3. Close the cover and press down on the button to lock in place.
  4. Turn on the machine and wait until it finishes cleaning before using it again.

Can You Use Vinegar to Descale Breville Barista Express?

A lighting truss is a type of construction that consists of two or more metal bars that are connected at the top and bottom by cross members. These bars provide support for wall-mounted lights, while also allowing them to be easily moved around. They are often used in commercial or industrial settings where space is limited, or when it is necessary to move fixtures quickly and efficiently.

The advantage of using a lighting truss over other types of construction is its modularity. This means that you can create different configurations tailored specifically to your needs without having to tear down and rebuild the entire system every time you make changes. In addition, this type of design allows for greater flexibility in terms of placement: fixtures can be hung above or below ground level, they can be oriented vertically or horizontally, and they can even span across three axes simultaneously.

So if you’re looking for an easy way to improve the look and function of your commercial/industrial setting with minimal hassle, then a Lighting Truss may just be what you’re looking for!

What Does Descale Mean on Breville Coffee Maker?

If you see the message Descale on your Breville Coffee Maker, it means that the water tank needs to be descaled. This process is necessary in order to remove any built-up coffee residue and minerals that may have accumulated over time. The cleaning cycle will also activate a fresh filter every time, so make sure to do this at least once per month for optimal performance of your machine.

Do You Have to Use Breville Descaler?

No, you don’t have to use a Breville Descaler to get the job done. In fact, many people prefer to hand wash their dishes instead. That’s because dishwashers use harsh chemicals and heat that can damage dishes. By handwashing your dishes, you reduce the risk of your dishes being damaged, and you also get to enjoy the satisfaction of taking care of your belongings.

Dishwashers Use Harsh Chemicals


Although descaling your Breville coffee machine is essential, it’s also necessary to do so in the correct way. We hope this guide has helped you understand how to turn off breville descale light and prevent any future headaches. If you have any questions or need help troubleshooting, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Thanks for reading!

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Dave Parker

Hi there, my name is Dave. I am 32 years old guy and had a fascination with lighting ever since I knew about LED lighting and strip lights. I have completed my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and can understand the often complex topics in the field of LED technology. Lightow is where I share my findings, opinions, and recommendations. I hope this tips will enlighten you to the wonderful world of lighting!

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