How to Keep Light Switch in on Position

Do you ever struggle to keep the light switch in the on position? It seems like every time you turn your back, it flops back to off. This can be annoying and frustrating, but there is a solution! This blog post will discuss how to keep light switch in on position using a few simple techniques. Stay tuned for more information.

Keep Light Switch in on position is a position of the switch used to keep the light on. This position is also known as the “on” position. For example, the switch may be located on the wall, ceiling, or floor. It is important to note that this position is different from the “off” position used to turn the light off. The “on” position is typically used when you need to keep the light on for an extended period, such as working or reading. The “off” position is typically used when you do not need the light on, such as sleeping or going outside.

Summary: In order to keep a light switch in the “on” Position, try these tips: – Make sure the light is turned off before pushing the switch. – If the light still won’t turn off, try turning the switch counterclockwise until it clicks into place.

How to Keep Light Switch in on Position

15 Simple Ways How to Keep Light Switch in on Position

1. Use a Piece of Tape

An easy and common way to keep a light switch in the on position is to use a piece of tape. Any type of tape will work, but clear tape is less noticeable. Place the piece of tape over the switch, covering the entire switch. Be sure to press the tape down firmly so it sticks to the switch.

2. Use a Binder Clip

One way to keep a light switch in the on position is to use a binder clip. Binder clips are those metal clips that have two arms and teeth that grip paper together. Another way to do this is to use a paperclip.

Use a Paperclip

To use a binder clip, open the arms of the clip and place it over the top of the light switch, as shown in the image below. The teeth of the clip should be facing down so that they grip the switch. Once the clip is in place, flip the switch to the on position and release the clip. The clip will hold the switch in place. If you need to remove the clip, simply open the arms and release the switch.

3. Use a Rubber Band

If you need to keep a light on, try using a rubber band. Just wrap the rubber band around the switch and pull it tight. This will keep the switch in the on position. Cut the rubber band and remove it if you need to turn the light off.

Cut the Rubber Band

4. Use a Paperclip

There’s an easy fix for light switches that you have to push up to turn on and down to turn off – all you need is a paperclip! Just bend the paperclip into a “U” shape and hook it onto the bottom of the switch. This will keep the switch in the on position, so you won’t have to worry about turning it on and off all the time. Plus, it’s a cheap and easy fix that anyone can do.

5. Use a Clothespin

If you want a more permanent solution, you can use a clothespin to keep your light switch in the on position. You need to open the clothespin and clip it onto the switch. This will keep the switch from being able to move, keeping your light on indefinitely. You can also use multiple clothespins if you want to be extra safe. If you’re worried about the clothespin damaging your light switch, you can wrap it in a piece of tape or cloth first. This will provide a barrier between the clothespin and the switch, preventing any damage from occurring.

6. Use a Hair Clip

If you can’t find a rubber band, or if the light switch is too small for a rubber band to fit around, you can try using a hair clip instead. Just open the clip and hook it around the switch, then close the clip to keep it in place. If the hair clip is too small, you can try using two clips side by side.

7. Use a Piece of Scotch Tape

If you want to make sure that your light switch is always in the on position, you can use a piece of Scotch tape. Just put the Scotch tape over the switch to cover the entire switch. This will make it impossible for anyone to turn the switch off.

Just Put the Scotch Tape Over the Switch

8. Use a Piece of Masking Tape

If you need to keep a light switch in the on position for a while, use a piece of masking tape to keep it firmly in place. Just put a small piece of tape over the switch, and it will stay on until you remove it. This is an easy way to keep a light switch on without holding it down. If you’re worried about the tape leaving a residue, you can use painter’s tape or other types of removable tape. Just be sure to test it on a small area first to make sure it won’t damage the paint or finish on your light switch.

9. Use a Lint Roller

If you don’t want to install a new switch, you can use a lint roller to keep your light switch in the on position. Just roll the lint roller over the switch, and it will adhere to the switch, keeping it in place. If you need to turn the switch off, you can peel the lint roller off. This is a quick and easy way to keep your light switch in the on position without having to do any permanent damage to the switch.

10. Use a Sticky Note

If you want an easy way to keep your light switch in the on position, try using a sticky note. Just put the sticky note over the switch, and it will stay in place. You can also use a piece of tape if you don’t have a sticky note.

11. Use a Post-it Note 

If you want to make sure that your light switch is always in the on position, one way to do that is to use a Post-it note. Just stick the note to the switch so that it covers the on position. This way, you won’t accidentally turn the switch off.

Just Stick the Note to the Switch

12. Use a Piece of Velcro

If you want to make sure your light switch is always in the on position, one option is to use a piece of velcro. Just attach a small velcro to the switch and attach the other side to the wall. This will keep the switch in place and prevent it from turning off.

13. Use a Magnet

If you want to keep your light switch in the on position, one option is to use a magnet. Just attach a small magnet to the light switch, and it will hold it in place. This is a quick and easy solution, but it may not work for everyone. Another option is to use a piece of tape. Just put a piece of tape over the light switch, and it will hold it in place. This is a quick and easy solution, but it may not work for everyone.

Use a Piece of Tape

14. Use a Piece of Duct Tape

If you want to make sure that your light switch is always in the on position, one easy way to do so is with a piece of duct tape. Just apply a small piece of duct tape over the top of the switch, ensuring it covers the on/off lever. This will keep the switch in the on position and prevent anyone from being able to turn it off. If you need to remove the duct tape at any point, peel it off and discard it. Duct tape is easy to use and remove, and it will make sure that your light switch stays in the on position.

15. Use a Piece of Washi Tape

If you want a more permanent solution, try washi tape. You can use this decorative masking tape to hold the switch in the on position without damaging the paint or wall. Place a piece of tape over the switch and press it into place. You may need to use two pieces of tape if the switch is large. Washi tape comes in various colors and patterns, so you can choose something that matches your decor. You can also write on washi tape to label the switch if needed.

You Can Check It Out to Paint a Ceramic Lamp

Write on Washi Tape to Label the Switch if Needed

Tips and Warnings on How to Keep Light Switch in on Position:


  1. If you have an automatic light switch, use the override button to keep the light on.
  2. If you have a three-way switch, use the other switch to turn the light off and on.
  3. Use a timer to keep the light on for a certain amount of time.


  1. Be sure to turn off the power to the light switch before you begin.
  2. Do not use tape or any other material that would damage the switch or wiring.
  3. Be careful not to leave the light on for too long, as this could cause a fire.
  4. Make sure that anyone who uses the switch knows how to turn it off and on.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Does My Light Switch Not Stay on?

There are a few potential reasons why your light switch may not stay on, and the most common is that there may be an issue with the electricity. You should check to make sure that all of your electrical wires are plugged in properly and securely, as well as test for any breaks or holes in the wiring. If everything looks okay, it’s probably time to call an electrician!

Alternatively, you might have a defective light bulb. It’s important to replace old bulbs with new ones at regular intervals so that they don’t start giving off weird colors or flickering problems. And if you’re still having trouble staying illuminated even after replacing your bulbs and checking all of your wiring, it may be necessary to change out the main panel in your home.

What Happens When You Hold a Light Switch in the Middle?

Some people believe that holding a light switch in the middle of your hand causes an electrical current to flow through your body and outwards. While there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, it has nevertheless been popularized as a superstition.

The reason for this belief may be that certain objects, like light switches, have a magnetic field. When you hold these objects close to your body, the electric fields from them can influence the activity of nerve cells in your brain. This could result in phenomena like feeling energized or euphoric, sensations of déjà vu or past-life recall, and even contact with deceased relatives! Needless to say, trying this at home is not recommended!

Can a Short in a Light Switch Cause a Fire?

Short in a light switch can definitely cause a fire. Shorting a wire inside a light switch can cause a current to flow through the wire at an unsafe rate, potentially causing a fire. It is important to be aware of this potential danger and take steps to prevent it from happening.

Why Does My Light Switch Smell like Burning?

When you have a light switch that smells like burning, there are a few things that could be wrong. The most common issue is an electrical problem in the wiring or fixtures. If this is the case, it’s best to call an electrician to inspect and repair the damage.

If there is no obvious electrical fault, then another possibility is a burned-out light bulb. To determine if this is the case, you can remove the burnt-out bulb and see if electricity still flows through it when you turn on your fixture – if not, then it’s likely that your light bulb has gone bad and needs to be replaced.

Finally, some lights may also smell like burning because of old CFL bulbs that contain flammable plastic tips. These plastics can melt down over time (due to heat or age), creating a gas called acetylene which smells similar to burning rubber fumes.


This article has shown you How to Keep the Light Switch in one position. Follow the simple ways, and you should have no problem keeping your light switch in the on position. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below!

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Dave Parker

Hi there, my name is Dave. I am 32 years old guy and had a fascination with lighting ever since I knew about LED lighting and strip lights. I have completed my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and can understand the often complex topics in the field of LED technology. Lightow is where I share my findings, opinions, and recommendations. I hope this tips will enlighten you to the wonderful world of lighting!

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