How to Keep Moths Away from Porch Light

Moths are naturally drawn to light, which is why they often congregate around porch lights. While this may be harmless enough in small numbers, large groups of moths can be a nuisance. 

How to Keep Moths Away from Porch Light

In addition to being a nuisance, moths can also damage fabrics and other items. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to keep moths away from the porch light. Here are some effective ways how to keep moths away from porch light. Keep on reading the article to learn more!

What Lights Do Attract Moths?

Moths are attracted to light because they rely on the moon’s light to help them navigate at night. Artificial lights, such as porch lights and streetlights, can confuse moths and cause them to fly around in circles. Moths tend to be particularly drawn to yellow or white lights, which resemble the color of the moon.

LED lights can also attract moths because of their strong, bright light. However, moths may be less likely to be attracted to blue or green lights since those colors are not found in the moonlight. Additionally, ultraviolet (UV) lights can be used as a trap for moths since they will fly toward the UV light and get stuck in its rays.

Overall, moths will naturally fly towards any kind of light at night since it is an instinctual behavior meant to help them find their way around. However, some colors of light may be more attractive than others, and it is important to consider this when trying to get rid of moth infestations in your home or yard.

Utilizing specific colors of artificial lighting, such as yellow or white, may help to attract moths away from your home. Additionally, using a UV light trap can be an effective way to capture and remove moths from your property.

LED Lights Can Also Attract Moths

10 Methods How to Keep Moths Away from Porch Light

1. Keep Your Porch Light Off

One of the best ways to keep moths away from your porch light is to simply keep the light off. Moths are attracted to light, so by keeping your porch light off, you will significantly reduce the number of moths that are attracted to your home. If you do need to leave the light turned on, consider turning it off after dark. Make sure to still keep your porch lit during the evening with outdoor lighting fixtures that are motion-activated or have a low-intensity bulb to reduce the chances of attracting moths.

2. Use a Yellow Light Bulb

Another way to keep moths away from your porch light is to use a yellow light bulb instead of a white light bulb. Yellow light bulbs emit less light than white light bulbs, which makes them less attractive to moths. While yellow light bulbs are not as bright, they can still provide enough light to illuminate your porch. If you choose to use a yellow light bulb, make sure that the base of the bulb is facing outward so that it emits the least amount of light possible.

3. Use a Sodium Vapor Light Bulb

Sodium vapor light bulbs are another type of light bulb that can be used to deter moths. These bulbs emit a yellow-orange light that is not as attractive to moths as other types of light bulbs. If you choose to use a sodium vapor light bulb, make sure that the base of the bulb is facing outward so that it emits the least amount of light possible. Try to find a bulb with low wattage to reduce the amount of light that is emitted.

Use a Sodium Vapor Light Bulb

4. Clean Your Porch Light Regularly

Moths are also attracted to dirt and debris, so it is important to clean your porch light on a regular basis. This will help to reduce the number of moths that are attracted to your home. While it is not necessary to clean your porch light every day, it is important to do so at least once a month. Use a damp cloth or brush to wipe away any dirt or debris that has been collected on the light. If you notice that there are a lot of moths in your area, you may want to clean your porch light more often.

5. Use a Fan Near Your Porch Light

Another way to keep moths away from your porch light is to use a fan near the light. The movement of the air will help to keep the moths away from the light. Although this method does not work for all moths, it can be effective in deterring some species. Make sure to adjust the fan so that it is blowing away from the porch light. Make sure to turn the fan off during the evening hours to avoid attracting more moths.

6. Use Citronella Candles

Citronella candles are an effective way to keep moths away from your porch light. The scent of citronella helps to mask the scent of the moth pheromones, which makes it less likely for moths to be attracted to your home. While citronella candles are not foolproof, they can be effective in reducing the number of moths that are attracted to your porch light.

7. Use Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is another effective way to keep moths away from your porch light. The strong scent of peppermint helps to mask the scent of the moth pheromones, making it less likely for them to be attracted to your home. Make sure to fuse only pure peppermint oil, as some store-bought brands can contain additives that can be harmful to moths.

Try using a few drops of the oil on a cloth and placing it near your porch light. You can also try spraying a mixture of oil and water around your porch light. This method should be done once a day to ensure that the scent remains strong enough to deter the moths.

8. Use Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is another essential oil that can be used to keep moths away from your porch light. The calming scent of lavender helps to mask the scent of the moth pheromones, making it less likely for them to be attracted to your home. Try to use pure lavender oil, as some store-bought brands can contain additives that can be harmful to moths.

Use Pure Lavender Oil

You can use the same method as with peppermint oil – by putting a few drops of the oil on a cloth and placing it near your porch light or by spraying a mixture of the oil and water around your porch light. Make sure to do this once a day to ensure that the scent remains strong enough to deter the moths.

9. Use Cedar Oil

Cedar oil is another essential oil that can be used for its moth-repellent properties. The strong scent of cedar helps to mask the scent of the moth pheromones, making it less likely for them to be attracted to your home. Make sure to use only pure cedar oil, as some store-bought brands can contain additives that can be harmful to moths.

Try using a few drops of the oil on a cloth and placing it near your porch light. You can also try spraying a mixture of oil and water around your porch light. This method should be done once a day to ensure that the scent remains strong enough to deter the moths.

10. Install Motion-Sensor Lights

Finally, you can install motion-sensor lights near your porch light. These lights will turn on when something moves in front of them, which can help scare away moths that are attracted to the light. Although motion-sensor lights may not completely deter moths, they can help to reduce the amount of moth activity near your porch light.

Make sure to adjust the sensitivity of the sensor so that it does not turn on too easily. You can also install yellow bulbs in the lights to make them less attractive to moths.

By using these methods, you can reduce the amount of moth activity near your porch light and keep your home pest-free. Using a combination of these methods can help to ensure that your porch light remains moth-free for years to come.

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What Is the Best Deterrent for Moths?

When it comes to the best deterrent for moths, prevention is key. There are several steps you can take to reduce the risk of moth infestations and protect your belongings.

First, regularly inspect your home and make sure that all cracks and crevices are sealed tightly. This will help prevent moths from entering. Regularly vacuum under furniture and in other hard-to-reach areas as well to remove any larvae or eggs that may be present. Consider investing in a quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter designed specifically for removing tiny particles like moth eggs, if possible.

Another way to deter moths is to use airtight containers or bags for storing clothes and fabrics often affected by moths, such as wool, cotton, silk, and other natural fibers. Closet cedar blocks or lavender sachets can also help repel moths.

Finally, maintain a consistent temperature in your home to make it less attractive to moths. Moths prefer temperatures around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit, so they are more likely to stay away if your home is cooler.

Moths Prefer Temperatures Around 70-80 Degrees

Frequently Asked Questions

What Color Porch Light Keeps Bugs Away?

Different porch lights will be effective in repelling bugs. Some of the most common porch light colors that are known to repel bugs are green, blue, and purple. Some other factors to consider when trying to determine the color of porch light that will keep bugs away include the type of porch light, the location of the porch light, and the time of year.

Do Yellow Porch Lights Keep Bugs Away?

Yellow porch lights are a popular choice for keeping bugs away, as they emit a bright and noticeable light that is likely to deter pests. However, it is important to note that yellow porch lights do not work as well as other types of porch lights in terms of repelling mosquitoes. Other types of porch lights, such as white or green porch lights, are more effective at repelling mosquitoes and other insects.

Are Moths Attracted to Led Lights?

Different moths may be attracted to different types of light. However, some species of moths are known to be attracted to lights with a warm, yellow or orange color, which may be associated with the light’s natural predators or food sources. If you are concerned about attracting moths to your home or office using artificial lights, it may be a good idea to choose lights with a cooler color spectrum.

Is There a Light Bulb That Repels Bugs?

There is not a single light bulb that repels bugs, but there are a variety of products available that may help to reduce the number of insects in a home or office. Some of the most popular products include:

  1. Window screens: Window screens can be installed on windows and doors to help prevent mosquitoes and other insects from entering the building. They are also effective at blocking wind and rain from entering, which can help to reduce the number of allergens in the environment.
  2. Mosquito coils: Mosquito coils use electric fields to attract mosquitoes and other flying insects, which then get zapped with an electronic current. This kills them instantly, reducing the number of pests in the area.
  3. Ceiling fans: Ceiling fans can be used to circulate air throughout a room, which helps to reduce the number of insects and other pests that live in warm, moist environments.
  4. Aerosol sprays: Aerosol sprays are specially formulated to kill insects by releasing a killing mist or vapor. They are easy to use and can be used in areas where access is difficult or where large numbers of pests need to be eliminated quickly, such as offices or homes with children.

There is no one product that is guaranteed to be effective at repelling bugs, but using a variety of products across several different areas of the home may be most effective at reducing the number of pests in the environment.


If you struggle with pests near your porch light, consider these tips to help keep moths away. While they may not seem harmful, moths can be a nuisance if they become too numerous. Luckily, there are several things you can do to get rid of them or prevent them from coming in the first place. With a little effort, you can clear up your porch area and enjoy your time outside without worrying about pesky critters getting in the way.
Thanks for reading our blog post on how to keep moths away from porch light! We hope you found it helpful and informative.

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Dave Parker

Hi there, my name is Dave. I am 32 years old guy and had a fascination with lighting ever since I knew about LED lighting and strip lights. I have completed my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and can understand the often complex topics in the field of LED technology. Lightow is where I share my findings, opinions, and recommendations. I hope this tips will enlighten you to the wonderful world of lighting!

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