How to Make the Color Black With Led Strip Lights

When most people think of black, they think of the color of darkness and despair. But with a bit of creativity, black can also be a beautiful and eye-catching color. This article will show you how to make the color black with LED strip lights. Stay tuned for some amazing ideas!

Led strip lights are a great way to add a pop of color and personality to any room in your house. But when you choose the right design, black can be a subtle yet striking addition to your home décor.

Summary: Looking to add a little bit of mystery to your home decor? Look no further than using LED strip lights to create the color black! By simply changing the colors of your LED strip lights, you can create any color you want, including black. This is a great way to create a unique look for your home and really stand out from the rest.

How to Make the Color Black With Led Strip Lights

Tools and Materials

  • 6 – LM2596 Buck-Boost Converter 12V to 5V 3A Step Down Voltage Regulator
  • 5v 1a USB Power Supply
  • 1 – Table Lamp
  • 1 – Roll of 22AWG Solid Hookup Wire
  • 2 – 220 ohm resistors
  • 3 – High Lumen LED Strips

A Detailed Guide on How to Make the Color Black With Led Strip Lights

Step 1: Determine How Much Wire You Need

You will need about 5 feet of wire for each LED strip light. However, there is a simple trick, and if you grab the end of your roll and loop it around your finger, this should be enough to connect two lights.

  1. Strip out some wire from the center of the spool (this helps reduce tangling)
  2. Measure how much wire it takes to go halfway around your finger (It might help to make another loop on the other end), then add 1 foot more than that amount. This should be enough to wrap all three strips together in an excellent neat package.

Step 2: Connecting The Wires

 Use a Jumper Wire
  1. Soldered one resistor to each lead of the first LED strip. You can also use a jumper wire if you do not have a soldering iron.
  2. Twist all the ends together and solder them to one end of your roll of wire, then repeat the same steps for the other two strips

Step 3: Connecting The Power Supply

  1. Separate all three sets of resistors from each other and connect a wire between them (Be sure it is long enough, don’t make a short circuit). Then, solder them to the input wires on the regulator. It doesn’t matter which order they go in because it will be changing them to 5volts anyway.
  2. Solder 2 wires from the output side of your buck converter; these will go to your LED strips. Your wire should be long enough to originate from the center of your regulator and reach the nearest strip.
  3. Connect all three leads on each strip together, then solder them to one output wire on your buck converter.

Step 4: Preparing The Table Lamp

  1. Take apart your table lamp (be careful not to break any glass)
  2. Strip out the wiring between the socket and bulb (if it has metal contacts around it, you can twist them off). We only need the wires connected to the screw terminals.
  3. Separate two sets of wires (one will be positive, one will be negative), twist them together with a set of stripped 22awg solid hookup wire hooked up to an LED strip.
  4. Wrap the three sets of wires (two sets of positive and one set for negative) around their respective screws on the lamp’s socket, making sure they are all tight.
  5. Reassemble the lamp by screwing it back together

Step 5: Make Everything Work Together

  1. Connect your USB power supply to your buck converter; this is powering everything now (Before plugging in the USB cable, check that all 3 LED strips are hooked up properly). If you want to change colors, you can first switch between which wire turns on using your multimeter. Make sure these three components are not touching each other! I used electrical tape to keep them separate.Connect Your Usb Power Supply
  2. Although it may appear backward, connect voltage coming from Pin 2 to Pin 3 of the buck converter.
  3. All you need now is power; hook up the negative wire from your LED strip to the other pin on your regulator (this will stop your lights from flickering).
  4. Now, take the positive lead from the first strip and connect it to Pin 1 of the regulator. Solder these two together. Once everything is connected correctly, plug in your USB cable to turn on your lights! This is a crucial step in how to make the color black with led strip lights.

Step 6: Make White and How to Make Other Colors

  1. Pin 1 and Pin 2 on the regulator are your ground and power INPUTS. They need to be connected for the lights to turn on, so you need to attach them with a resistor. If you want white, 680 ohms work well (anything between 470 and 1K will work). For other colors, it depends on what color LED strip you have; search online about which resistor works best with your particular model of the strip light.
  2. Once appropriately connected, place one lead of that resistor into PIN 1 or PIN 2 on the regulator. Next, take the other lead from that same resister and combine it with your ground wire from your LED strip (this wire will be connected to Pin 3 of the regulator). Your white lights should now turn on!
  3. You can change any color by changing which resistor you plug into which pin on the regulator. This is not complicated, but it may take some practice. Try using different resistors for different colors once you get more experienced with how it works (470ohm = yellow, 1Kohm = blue).

Step 7: Make RGB Colors

In order to make RGB colors, you need two resistors instead of one. To do this, first solder a small jumper wire between PIN 1 and PIN 2 on your buck converter. Then, put another resistor in between PIN 3 and each lead of your strip’s ground wire. After doing this, your RGB lights should work.

If you want to make two colors at the same time, you’ll need a second set of jumper wires. Place a resistor between PINs 1 and 2 (for white lights) and another resistor between Pins 3 and ground (for another color like blue). This will allow the regulator to output a voltage to both Pin 1/2 and Pin 3.

Jumper Wires Will Be Required

With those jumper wire(s) now connected, you should be able to control how much voltage is reaching each output pin by holding down on your respective buttons (red = Pin 1, green = Pin 2, blue = Pin 3). How much voltage is released to each pin determines how bright that color will be.

The amount of resistance that the two jumpers should have depends on the type of LED strip being used. The ease of finding out which LEDs react most favorably to which resistor(s) requires playing around with the particular model of strip light. These steps will help in how to make the color black with LED strip lights.


Do not touch the strip lighting while working.

Do not expose it to water or high humidity environments.

People suffering from latex allergies should take extra care to avoid exposure.

In skin contact, wash off with clean water and seek medical advice immediately.

Wash Off With Clean Water

Take caution in disposing of them since they contain mercury and other hazardous materials that require professional recycling services for proper disposal.

You Can Check It Out to: Stop Led Lights From Changing Colors

Do Led Lights Attract Bugs

Although some insects and moths can see ultraviolet (UV) light emitted by many LEDs, the intensity of UV from LEDs is far less than that from the sun or typical outdoor light sources such as mercury vapor lamps. Therefore, few insects will be attracted solely by UV light.

Instead, insects are most commonly drawn to LED lighting because they emit bright white light — a color that is apparent to many species — similar to daylight hours.

I always feel more comfortable in darker rooms, and I’m pretty sure most of my friends feel the same way about their bedrooms being dark when they’re in them. However, if your bedroom has windows facing east, your room will probably be filled with sunlight in the morning, and you won’t get a chance to sleep in.

Alternatively, if you have a window with a western view, then chances are high that your room will look like daylight from around 9 pm till about 5 am, which is again not ideal for sleeping purposes. In this case, when you need total darkness or very little light in a room, it is a good idea to consider using black light bulbs.

Window With a Western View

Frequently Asked Questions

Is It Ok to Put Tape Over Led Lights?

There are a few things to consider when it comes to whether or not it’s ok to put tape over LED lights. First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that the tape is specifically designed for this purpose. Second, be aware of the potential dangers associated with using tape in this way. Third, be sure to take all necessary safety precautions when doing so. Finally, remember that any changes made to your lighting should be made in a manner that is consistent with your overall aesthetic goals. Thanks for asking!

Can a Light Be Black?

While there is no right or wrong answer to this question, some believe that light can be black. This perspective arises from the philosophical concept of monism, which states that all things are one thing and comprise a single reality. Therefore, according to this perspective, light must also be considered part of the cosmos. Some proponents of monism believe that light can exist in multiple forms at the same time and may even include darkness as one form of it.

Arguments against monism focus on its shortcomings as an explanatory model for physical phenomena. Nonetheless, what matters most is how people experience light based on their individual perspectives and beliefs. So while there isn’t necessarily anything “true” about Light being black, it’s interesting to consider nonetheless!

What Colors Make Black?

There are a few things to consider when it comes to whether or not it’s ok to put tape over LED lights. First and foremost, it’s important to make sure that the tape is specifically designed for this purpose. Second, be aware of the potential dangers associated with using tape in this way. Third, be sure to take all necessary safety precautions when doing so.

Finally, remember that any changes made to your lighting should be made in a manner that is consistent with your overall aesthetic goals. Thanks for asking!

Be Aware of the Potential Dangers


The color black is often associated with the absence of light. But when it comes to led strip lights, black can be one of the most beautiful colors you can use in your lighting scheme. We’ve shown you how to make the color black with led strip lights in this article. We hope you’re inspired to try out some of these ideas in your own home or business.

You Can Check It Out to: Make Black Light With Led Lights

Photo of author

Dave Parker

Hi there, my name is Dave. I am 32 years old guy and had a fascination with lighting ever since I knew about LED lighting and strip lights. I have completed my bachelor's degree in electrical engineering and can understand the often complex topics in the field of LED technology. Lightow is where I share my findings, opinions, and recommendations. I hope this tips will enlighten you to the wonderful world of lighting!

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